Explore our industry-leading oral orthotic solutions
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Try MYOTAPE today and wake up to a healthier version of you!
Mouth breathing contributes to snoring, sleep apnea, poor sleep quality and CPAP non-compliance. It causes serious developmental issues in children and is proven to negatively affect physical and mental wellbeing in adults.

Myotalea | OMD’s
Offering myofunctional therapy but struggling with compliance and predictability?
Myofunctional therapy has been an effective treatment modality for decades but it has continued to suffer from poor compliance and unpredictable outcomes. MRC’s Myotalea® appliances are active myofunctional appliances which improve treatment outcomes and patient compliance.
MyOSA | Breathing Disorders
Interested in treating breathing disorders but don’t know where to start?
Despite the increased awareness of breathing disorders, dental and medical practitioners have lacked a simple and effective solution to rehabilitate patients. MRC’s Myosa® system meets this demand and allows seamless treatment of breathing and myofunctional disorders
Myobrace | Developing Malocclusions
Want to treat the underlying causes of malocclusion without using braces?
Breathing and myofunctional disorders are related to poor craniofacial growth and malocclusion, but dental practitioners have lacked a simple and effective method for treating these disorders, especially in growing patients. MRC‘s Myobrace® system meets this demand.
Treating TMJ disorders but feeling confused and disappointed with poor results?
Practitioners treating TMJ disorders inevitably become disappointed by inadequate and unpredictable results. MRC’s Myosa®TMJBDS® system removes the mystery and complexity surrounding TMJ treatment, providing practitioners and patients with a solution to this issue.

“I was introduced to MRC’s appliances in 2017. Immediately I understood the benefit that these appliances could have on my early mixed dentition patients. Understanding the power that the orofacial muscles have on the dentition as well as the importance of establishing good nasal breathing has been transformational.

“Being a parent myself to a child suffering from myofunctional dysfunction which caused relapse within a year of her fixed orthodontics being completed, I was searching for solutions for these types of cases when I came across MRC and the Myobrace.

The integration of MRC myobrace system has been the cardinal, defining, factor in expanding my holistic approach to dental medicine and surgery. Patient’s testimonies in children have been phenomenal!